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闲云野鸡 提问于[2023-10-05] [2023-10-05]被用户:ecawen 修改过
第一章 如何造就优秀的学术论文1.多选题(2分) [出自:jiwo.org] 根据本周所讲内容,对于论文标题的撰写,以下描述正确的是? (A) 标题应尽量精炼简洁 (B) 标题需注意保护知识产权 (C) 标题应反映核心技术 (D) 标题可以尽量起的宽泛 答案:ABC 2.多选题(2分) 什么样的论文能被称为优秀的论文? (A) 论文能开辟一个新的方向 (B) 论文能获得学术界重视,获得足够的引用 (C) 论文有一定的研究价值 (D) 论文有一定的创新意义 答案:ABCD 3.多选题(2分) 根据本周所讲内容,对于论文摘要的撰写,以下描述正确的是? (A) 摘要应覆盖文章的亮点及效果 (B) 摘要是标题的扩充 (C) 摘要内容尽量多,字数在400-500字为佳 (D) 摘要应覆盖文章的出发点 答案:ABD 4.多选题(2分) 关于论文写作,以下说法正确的是? (A) 写论文时应换位思考,从读者的角度出发 (B) 写论文时可以描述分析思路,从而扩充论文长度 (C) 一篇好的论文从初稿到终稿应至少改10遍 (D) 论文的语言表达应尽量简洁 答案:ABCD 5.多选题(2分) 根据本周所讲内容,关于总结和参考文献说法正确的是? (A) 以完成了所有工作的口气来撰写 (B) 可以提出未来研究方向 (C) 参考文献需要包括刊物名称、卷号、年份 (D) 总结需注意与摘要的区别 答案:ABCD 第一章 论文写作语法练习1.判断题(1分) 语法判断 1. Compared to the existing techniques,the proposed one requires less variables to train images,so makes the learning procedure much easier。 答案:错 2.判断题(1分) 语法判断 2.If it is set to "NULL",means the instance is the first simple pattern of its corresponding regex. 答案:错 3.判断题(1分) 语法判断 3.Hence,the input characters are mapped according to Table 2.5,which results the buffer shown in Figure 2.7,where the left array represents the disjoint character set and the right boxes are buffer nodes including string position. 答案:错 4.判断题(1分) 语法判断 4.The next step is to deeply analyzed malicious time intervals to extract attack flows. 答案:错 5.判断题(1分) 语法判断 5.Similarly,the upper bound A 答案:错 6.判断题(1分) 语法判断 6.The channel vectors are normalized by a global normalization value A that is the largest absolute value in the whole dataset,and can be expressed as A=B+C. 答案:错 7.判断题(1分) 语法判断 7.With the reflecting elements,an RIS can constructively combine the reflected signals to achieve a high level of energy,and further reconstruct the radio scattering environment into an intelligent one. 答案:错 8.判断题(1分) 语法判断 8.The complexity of ESD by means of the number of visited nodes is upper 答案:错 9.判断题(1分) 语法判读 http://9.In this paper,a novel framework with respect to sphere decoding is established by the proposed ESD algorithm. 答案:错 10.判断题(1分) 语法判断 10.To start with,according to Lemma 2,the number of saved candidate nodes at each searching layer is upper bounded by the summation of searching sizes at the previous layer. 答案:错 11.判断题(1分) 语法判读 11.Similarly,the same result about the choice of j can also be derived through ESD 答案:错 第二章 如何撰写学术论文(文科)1. 单选题(1分) 下面哪个选项,最符合本课程所介绍的写好科研论文主要步骤的顺序: a、找到值得研究的问题 b、转变学习观念和学习方式 C、发表文章 d、逐步加深对学术研究的认识 e、写出较高水平的学术文章 f、结合专业,学会方法 (A) abcdef (B) bafdec (C) bidaec (D) bafdec 答案:C 2. 单选题(1分) 本讲授课教师认为,研究生阶段,应该转变为以下哪种学习方式: (A) 接收式的学习方式 (B) 创造性的学习方式 (C) 探索式的学习方式 (D) 体验性的学习方式 答案:B 3. 单选题(1分) 以下哪种说法,不符合本讲授课教师的观点: (A) 给大学生常识,给硕士生方法,给博士生视野 (B) 研究生的科研能力训练,可以和课程学习结合起来 (C) 相对于本科阶段来说,研究生阶段才真正进入了更具体的专业学习 (D) 研究生不应该模仿 答案:D 4. 多选题(2分) 本讲授课教师认为,评判学术论文质量的最主要标准,包括以下哪些?(可多选) (A) 学术论文的形式标准 (B) 材料的丰富程度 (C) 论文的创新性,主要体现在新观点、新材料、新方法三个方面 (D) 只要在高规格期刊上发表过的文章,就一定是优质的学术论文 答案:AC 5. 单选题(1分) 本讲授课教师认为,学会做科研最关键的一步是: (A) 转变学习观念和学习方式 (B) 结合专业,学会方法 (C) 找到值得研究的问题 (D) 成功发表文章 答案:C 第三章 SCI论文写作经验分享1. 多选题(2分) 电子期刊订阅的方式有哪些? (A) RSS源订阅 (B) 邮箱订阅 (C) 给编辑发邮件订阅 (D) 直接购买 答案:AB 2. 多选题(2分) 文献管理的专业软件有哪些 (A) PPT (B) Endnote (C) Office (D) Noteexpress (E) Zotero 答案:BDE 3. 多选题(2分) 你如何选择投稿的期刊? (A) 参考你自己经常读的文献所在的期刊 (B) 从Nature开始投,逐渐降低档次 (C) 参考已有成功经验的同学都投了哪些期刊 (D) 咨询导师的意见 答案:ACD 4.单选题(1分) 文章经过同行评议后,审稿人的意见比较负面,但是你觉得有可能是审稿人没有理解你的工作,你会怎么做? (A) 直接不管,去相关论坛、网站吐槽 (B) 直接回复,批评审稿人没有理解我文章的要义 (C) 委婉回复,将自己文章的创新点说清楚 (D) 猜猜可能是哪个审稿人,伺机报复 答案:C 第四章 论文写作与投稿技巧1. 多选题(2分) You are writing the Results section of your article.Which of the following guidelines should you follow? (A) Include data of primary and secondary importance (B) Use sub-headings to keep results of the same type together (C) Do not highlight findings that differ from previous findings (D) Include illustrations and figures (E) Use scale markers for every photograph and image 答案:BDE 2. 单选题(1份) You are writing the References section of your article. Which of the following guidelines should you follow? (A) Cite as many references as possible (B) Avoid citations of your own work (C) Focus your references on one region (D) Ensure that you fully understand the material you are referencing 答案:D 3. 单选题(1份) Who is responsible for checking the language quality used in a research paper? (A) Journal editor (B) Author (C) Publisher (D) Journal Manager 答案:B 4. 单选题(1分) You are working on your first scientific paper. Which of the following is an acceptable sentence structure for your article? (A) It was found that study subjects responded well to the infusion of compound X in repeated tests,but they did not respond consistently to the infusion of compound Y. (B) It was found that the study subjects responded well to compound X in repeated tests. It was also found that the response to compound Y was not consistent. (C) We found that the study subjects responded well to compound X in repeated tests. We also found that the response to compound Y was not consistent . 答案:C 5. 单选题(1分) You are sending a paper to a publisher. Which of the following sentences represent good grammar for your manuscript? (A) We didn't find any correlation between diabetes and consumption of nutrient Y. (B) The study subject's ECG pattern was within normal range. (C) The cholesterol levels were greatly reduced. (D) When we added an additional compound Z,the results remained the same. 答案:B 第五章 学术伦理道德1. 单选题(1分) You are a researcher wanting to publish a study undertaken in human beings.Do you need to provide detail about which organization gave ethical approval and how consent was obtained? 答案:对 2. 单选题(1分) You are working on a study and the results are not coming out the way you want them to. You just cannot confirm the hypothesis no matter how many times you rerun the tests. You're the one conducting the research and the only one managing the data analysis. You want to successfully resolve this. What are your options? (A) You make very minor modifications to the data and slightly alter the images to keep it consistent. The likelihood of anyone challenging the results are slim. (B) You leave out the problematic data and only use findings that support your hypothesis. (C) You consult with your supervisor and/or lab team to troubleshoot,even if it means going back to the drawing board. There are no short cuts in science. 答案:C 3. 单选题(1分) You are preparing a paper that involves a complex concept but you're having difficulty putting into words precisely how this concept works. You see an excellent explanation in another published paper. Is it okay to use this explanation word for word in your paper without referring to the other paper? 答案:错 4. 单选题(1分) Lets say Cell accepts your paper for publication. Is it always okay to submit a version of that paper in a language other than English to a journal in a different country or does that count as duplicate submission? (A) YES,it's okay. It does not count as duplicate submission. (B) NO,its not okay. It counts as duplicate submission. 答案:B 5. 单选题(1分) What situation might be considered a conflict of interest?A researcher who(select all that apply): (A) Owns stock of the pharmaceutical company commissioning the research work. (B) Is also a consultant to the company commissioning the research work. (C) Is asked to review a manuscript submitted by a colleague. (D) All of the above. 答案:D |